Collaborative Sustainable Innovation

co-designing small-scale fisheries governance approaches


Policy report

Brennan R. 2020. Managing for diversity: keeping everyone afloat in Irish fisheries.Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, Dublin. Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, Dublin.

Peer reviewed publications 

Brennan R. 2022. Making space for plural ontologies in Irish fisheries governance: Ireland’s disobedient offshore islands. Maritime Studies (MAST). 

Brennan R. 2022. Fishing for survival in the ‘blue economy’. Found poems from the Irish islands. ACME An International Journal for Critical Geographies. 21(1): 81-105.

Brennan R. 2021. Reflections on methodological tensions in doing qualitative research at the science-policy-community interface. In Gustavsson M., White C., Phillipson J. and Ounanian K. (Eds.) Researching People and the Sea: methodologies and traditions. Palgrave Macmillan: London.

Fitzpatrick M., Brennan R. and Jackson E. 2020. From protest to participation: Learning from experience in Irish inshore fisheries management. In Pascual-Fernández J.J, Pita C and Bavinck M (Eds) Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and Governance. Springer: Dordrecht, 307-327. (Pre-print here).

Fisheries media

Brennan R. 2021. From equality to equity: keeping everyone afloat in Ireland’s small-scale fisheries. The Skipper, January issue. (Print version here)

Brennan R. 2020. Keeping everyone afloat in Ireland’s small-scale fisheries. Marine Times, December issue. (Print version here)

Brennan R. 2020.Thinking about Ireland’s National Marine Planning Framework through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Skipper, July issue. (Print version here. Web version here)

Brennan R. 2020. Women in small-scale fisheries will implement the new EU fisheries control system – why is nobody asking them what they think? The Skipper, June issue. (Print version here. Web version here)

Brennan R. 2020. Women in fisheries fly their flags in Brussels.The Skipper, April issue. (Print version here. Web version here)

Policy submissions

Brennan R. 2020. National Marine Planning Framework Consultation Draft Submission of the Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, Trinity College Dublin.

Brennan R. 2019. Critical reflections on 21 November 2019 Dáil Éireann Debate on the Island Fisheries (Heritage Licence) Bill 2017.

Brennan R. 2019. Marine Planning Policy Statement Submission, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, Trinity College Dublin.

Brennan R. 2018. National Marine Planning Framework Submission, Trinity Centre for Environmental Humanities, Trinity College Dublin.

Brennan R. 2018 Opening Statement to Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine re: the Island Fisheries (Heritage Licence) Bill 2017. Leinster House, Dublin.

Guest blog posts

Brennan R. The Pandemic and the Planet – Our Marine Environment. Trinity Long Room Hub COVID-19 Crisis Blog: The Pandemic and the Planet. June 2020.

Brennan R. Engaged research at the arts-science-policy interface: Ruth Brennan. TCD researchMATTERS May 2020